Lynne Wood Dusenberry and Bruce Dusenberry

Lynne and Bruce are longtime supporters of the American Heart Association and American Stroke Association.
“We are both volunteers, devoted to raising money in support of cardiovascular research,” Bruce said. “My wife’s father died suddenly of a massive heart attack when she was in law school and he was only 57 years old. Both of my parents had bypass surgery and my dad received a stint when he was 92.”
Bruce and Lynne chaired the 2017 Tucson Heart and Stroke Ball. Bruce’s mother, Katie, chaired the Heart Ball in 1974 and his father was a member of the AHA Old Pueblo, Arizona Division Board of Directors in the 1970s.Bruce also chaired the Southern Arizona Board of Directors, served as board chair of the Arizona Affiliate and chaired the Arizona/New Mexico Affiliate and the Desert Mountain Affiliate (Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Montana).
“We want people to understand that heart disease and stroke are very serious conditions in our country that can affect any one of us,” Lynne said.
Winter 2017