Love your heart. Lower the pressure.
Nearly half of U.S. adults have high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. Of those, about 75% don’t have it under control and many don’t know they have it.
The American Heart Association, with support from Providence, created the “Love Your Heart. Lower the Pressure.” campaign to encourage people to know their numbers and work with their health care team to keep their blood pressure in check and reduce their risk of serious health issues, including heart disease and stroke.
Everyday people share experience living with high blood pressure
Faces of high blood pressure
Carlo’s mission to beat high blood pressure
La misión de Carlo contra la presión alta
Erika’s mission to beat heart disease
La misión de Erika contra la presión alta
Julian’s mission to beat heart disease
Monique’s mission to beat heart disease
Experts offer guide to managing high blood pressure
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