National Wear Red Day® - Feb. 7

Only about half of women are aware that cardiovascular disease is their leading cause of death. Your post could save a life.

January 31, 2025: remind everyone we are one week away!
Between January 26-31 share a post reminding your friends and family why we're going red and to mark their calendars! Not sure what to share? You can share our Facebook, Instagram or X save the date posts. Or, we have graphics you can download and share (ZIP).
Don't forget to use #WearRedDay
and @tag your local American Heart
Association social media account(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window).
February 7, 2025: it's National Wear Red Day!
Today is the day! Our simple request is you share a photo of yourself wearing red using #WearRedDay. @Tag your local American Heart Association account(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) so we can share too!
Include an educational fact, a helpful resource or, most impactful, share why this is personal for you.
We can't wait to see you Go Red!
Excited to do more?