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Help us ensure that everyone in Nevada has the opportunity to live a longer, healthier life.

Hundreds learned Hands-Only CPR at Corporate Event

hand-only CPR

On February 29, hundreds of Huron Consulting employees decked out in red for Heart Month learned Hands-Only CPR at The Venetian Las Vegas. Huron employees Katie Clarke and Dr. Dan Smith shared their families heart health stories. Christopher Calloway of the American Heart Association, Nevada, presented Hand-Only CPR training. The presentation concluded with Huron team members having an opportunity to practice their new skill with Mini Anne ® CPR Learning Manikins.

Women who suffered a stroke at 35 spreading awareness

Kim Colvin Benitez

Kim Colvin Benitez is a local fitness enthusiast and mother of two whose personal encounter with a stroke made her want to help raise awareness and protect others. She experienced slurred speech and facial drooping before she fell over to her left side. With the help of physical and speech therapy, she was back on her feet, running half-marathons and was able to give birth to her second daughter.

Go Red for Women Luncheon Speaker, Rosemary Wade

Passion Speaker, Rosemary Wade

Passion Speaker Rosemary Wade shared her personal experience of stroke and rehabilitation during the Go Red for Women Luncheon held February 29 at the Four Seasons Hotel.

“I know heart disease and stroke have touched many of you in this room,” said Wade. “If it were not for the Heart Association’s years of research and medical advancements, we would not have survivors like me standing here.”

Poor Nutrition is the #1 Cause of Cardiovascular Disease

Unhealthy diets and food insecurity are ravaging our communities. Make a lifesaving donation now to help more families build heart-healthier futures.
Women cutting vegetables in the kitchen

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In Your Community

The American Heart Association is committed to driving equitable health impact in Nevada through five key priority areas: women, COVID-19, tobacco and vaping, patients and healthy living. Equity is always at the center of our work, and it will continue to guide all that we do.

Through our focus on these key impact areas, and with collaboration among local organizations, sponsors, businesses, and others that serve the community, we are working to improve the health and well-being of Nevada residents while saving and improving countless lives.

Throughout Nevada, we’ve seen our community impact work grow, including efforts around creating avenues for greater access to care, healthy food access and education, sharing Hands-Only CPR kits with clinicians to improve awareness for families, blood pressure screenings and education, and tobacco and e-cigarette education and prevention.

People are counting on us as never before. The American Heart Association, along with our supporters, will drive change, and will be relentless. Thank you for your continued support.

Advocacy has had a mission-critical role in the Association's work for more than 40 years. Our legislative and regulatory priorities help to mitigate risk factors and protect survivors in communities across the country. We support the enactment of evidence-based public policies that lead to longer, healthier lives.

Public policy advocacy is an essential strategy used by the American Heart Association and American Stroke Association to affect necessary and sustainable policy, system and environmental changes that help Americans build healthier lives free of cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Our efforts in Nevada are focused on four major policy areas. These are: extended Medicaid postpartum coverage, secure funding for CPR training in schools, water access in schools, and tobacco retail licensing. Join our You’re the Cure network of advocates to help improve health in Nevada.


Chris Loftus
Interim CEO
West Henderson Hospital

Dr. Randy Feikes
Associate Chief Medical Officer
Valley Health System

Dr. Dieu-My Tran

Associate Professor
UNLV School of Nursing

George Maalouf
Executive Vice President
Brown & Brown Insurance

Dr. Paul Janda
Las Vegas Neurology Center

Claude Wise
Spring Valley Medical Center

Alexis Mussi
Chief Executive Officer
Southern Hills Hospital and Medical Center

Eric Johnson

Jerermy Copeland
Director of Healthcare Solutions

Steve Manzanares
Vice President of Finance
Silverton Casino

Sally Bedotto

Rita Vaswani
Sr. Vice President
Nevada State Bank

Contact Us

For Mail Only

c/o American Heart Association, Nevada
816 S Figueroa Street
Suite 200
Los Angeles, CA 90017


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