
Oklahoma’s Rally at the Capitol 2024

Mark your calendar now to join us Monday, April. 8, for the Oklahoma You're the Cure at the Capitol Rally 2024!
Athletes from the University of Oklahoma and Oklahoma State University will be on hand, as well as special guest, New York Giants wide receiver Sterling Shepard.
Southwest Region Rural Health Summit

The inaugural SouthWest Region Rural Health Summit, hosted by the American Heart Association and supported by Texas Mutual, aimed to address the significant health disparity between rural and urban residents in the SouthWest region of the United States, where an 11-year life expectancy gap exists.
Hands-Only CPR Training Kiosk

The American Heart Association and MidFirst Bank have unveiled an interactive kiosk at Science Museum Oklahoma, aiming to educate Oklahoma City residents and visitors about Hands-Only CPR. The kiosk provides a brief introduction, followed by a practice session and a 30-second test session using a practice manikin.
A Horse Lover with a Very Special Heart
Liam was born with a congenital heart defect that required three heart surgeries by the time he was four. Today, he's a happy, healthy, horse loving little boy.
Cauliflower-Crust Pizza with Vegetable Topping and Balsamic Glaze
We’ve all heard of vegetables on our pizza, but what about under it? Cauliflower plays a supporting role in this recipe and takes the place of traditional flour to form a thin, crunchy crust. A small drizzle of a sweet, tart glaze makes a big splash over a rainbow topping of vegetables.
Focus on Quality
When medical professionals apply the most up-to-date evidence-based treatment guidelines, patient outcomes improve. That's the simple truth behind the drive for continuous quality improvement. Our comprehensive suite of programs can help you advance farther and faster in the quest for ever-better care.
Life’s Essential 8
Life’s Essential 8 are the key measures for improving and maintaining cardiovascular health, as defined by the American Heart Association. Better cardiovascular health helps lower the risk for heart disease, stroke and other major health problems.
Poor Nutrition is the #1 Cause of Cardiovascular Disease
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Oklahoma City
3401 NW 63rd Street, Suite 510
Oklahoma City, OK 73116
Phone: (405) 415-3030
2431 East 61st Street
Suite 420
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74136
Phone: (918) 877-8359
Heart and Stroke News