Save A Life and Learn Hands-Only CPR
Are you ready for a challenge, Madison!
Did you know 7 out of 10 cardiac events outside of a hospital happen in the home? Unfortunately, only 39% of Wisconsinites feel ready to step in and perform hands-only CPR in a cardiac crisis - below the national average.
Our mission is to ensure Madison residents are prepared to take action if a loved one suffers cardiac arrest. It’s our goal to educate 80,000 Madison residents in the Hands-Only CPR technique by 2028.
Upcoming Hands-only CPR demonstrations at Zimbrick (1601 W Beltline Hwy in Madison):
- Feb. 15th (10 AM-Noon)
- March 8th (10 AM-Noon)
- March 15th (10 AM-Noon)
Learn Hands-Only CPR in 60 Seconds
CPR, especially if performed immediately, can double or triple a cardiac arrest victim’s chance of survival! Watch this video to learn the 2 easy steps of Hands-Only CPR.
Teach your friends and family CPR at home

Learn and practice CPR at home with CPR Anytime®. The AHA’s Adult & Child CPR Anytime® Kit contains everything you need to learn the lifesaving skills of CPR, AED awareness, and choking relief in about 20 minutes.
Learn Infant CPR

Cardiac arrest can happen anytime anywhere. If a child or infant’s heart stops, you should provide immediate CPR - compressions with breaths - until help arrives. By learning the skills of CPR and choking relief you can be better prepared to save a life.

Prepare your employees
Is your workforce ready to respond if someone experiences a cardiac arrest at work? Become a “Workplace with Heart” by partnering with the American Heart Association to train your employees in life-saving skills.
Nation of Lifesavers Madison Campaign is sponsored by:

Did You Know?
- More than 350,0000 people experience cardiac arrests outside of a hospital - 23,000 children.
- 9 out of 10 people who experience cardiac arrest outside of hospital don’t survive.
- About 70% of cardiac arrests outside of a hospital happen at home.
- Only about 4o% of people who experience cardiac arrest receive CPR from people nearby while waiting for EMS.
- Only 39% of women in cardiac arrest received CPR from strangers in public - 45% for men.
- Children as young as 9 can learn CPR.
Quiz Yourself on the CPR Basics
Are you ready to be a lifesaver? Take this quick quiz to test your Hands-Only CPR knowledge.
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Encourage others to join the Nation of Lifesavers by sharing on social media and explore our library of CPR resources to learn more.