Around the AHA

Stories and helpful information from the AHA
Dr. Keith Churchwell is president of the American Heart Association for 2024-25, the chief volunteer scientific and medical officer of the association. (American Heart Association)

New AHA president leads with a cardinal rule: Put the patient first

Excellence, inclusivity and a data-driven approach underlie his career success.

Fertility Therapy and Heart Disease Risk

Nov 21, 2018

Women who gave birth after receiving fertility therapy had about half the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) or death in the subsequent decade, compared with women who gave birth without this therapy, researchers report.

Women Fare Worse Than Men After Heart Attack

Nov 21, 2018

Women age 55 or younger may fare worse than their male counterparts after having a heart attack, according to new research presented at the American Heart Association’s Quality of Care and Outcomes Research Scientific Sessions.

Anxiety Linked to Long Term Stroke Risk

Nov 20, 2018

The greater the anxiety level, the higher risk of having a stroke, according to research published in the American Heart Association journal Stroke from December 2013.

Positive Patients Exercise Live Longer

Nov 20, 2018

Heart disease patients with positive attitudes are more likely to exercise and live longer, according to research in the American Heart Association journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes.