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Heather, Heart Attack Survivor

Diagnosed with a heart condition at 15, Heather managed it — until one day, everything changed. She woke up in the ICU.

Survivor Spotlight: Heather

While out with her coworkers, Heather started feeling heart palpitations.

heart disease survivor Heather bowling with friends

“I was sitting on the floor of the bathroom stall, and I didn’t know what was happening to my body. The next thing I remember was waking up in the ICU.”

Heather’s aortic valve had erupted. Her community and the AHA were there for her.

heart disease survivor Heather in the hospital

“I would not be here without the village of people who supported me.”

My treatment plan was based on research funded by the American Heart Association.

heart disease survivor Heather and friend

It’s personal to Heather and her support network. Heather’s life was saved because of generous donors like you!

The Impact of the American Heart Association

Every dollar you give helps save lives through:

  • Innovative research and medical breakthroughs such as the artificial heart valve
  • Improving quality of care in hospitals in your community
  • Training of more than 22 million people annually in lifesaving CPR
  • Education that helps people prevent, detect and treat high blood pressure
  • Instilling heart-healthy lifestyle for more than 20 million children at 30,000 schools each year

Heather got a second chance at life—thanks to people like you.

“My story is a testament to the medical work and research, largely funded by the American Heart Association. I still don’t know how to say thank you, thank you doesn’t seem adequate enough!”

Benefits of Becoming a Monthly Donor

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Early access to new research and guidelines for living a heart-healthy lifestyle.
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Exclusive quarterly impact report delivered to your inbox.
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Special invitations to conversations with AHA leadership and experts.

The American Heart Association helped save my life.

Meet our Survivors