Podcast - Managing Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH)
Familial Hypercholesterolemia, FH for short. It is an inherited disorder that leads to aggressive and premature cardiovascular disease. In FH patients, genetic mutations makes the liver incapable of metabolizing (or removing) excess LDL (the bad kind of cholesterol). This includes problems like heart attacks, strokes, and even narrowing of our heart valves. With this series of podcasts we will learn really what FH is, how to manage it, FH and Children, and women.
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Podcast Description
You’ve been diagnosed with Familial Hypercholesterolemia, now what? The FH Foundation’s Cat Davis and Clinical Lipidology Expert, Dr. Seth Baum will discuss the treatment goals, the role of diet, side effects are in treatments, and what the future looks like for those diagnosed with FH.
Podcast Participant Bios
Cat Davis Ahmed

Dr. Seth Baum

The FH Foundation is a patient-centered nonprofit organization, dedicated to research, advocacy, and education for all forms of Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH). Its mission is to raise awareness of FH and save lives by increasing the rate of early diagnosis and encouraging proactive treatment. If left untreated, this life-threatening genetic disorder leads to aggressive cardiovascular disease in men, women, and children of all races and ethnicities around the world. Learn more about The FH Foundation.