California boy needed surgery to fix unusual heart defect
Oct 19, 2022
When Cix Greene had a heart murmur at age 7, further investigation uncovered a condition so rare that his cardiologist had only read about it.
Oct 19, 2022
When Cix Greene had a heart murmur at age 7, further investigation uncovered a condition so rare that his cardiologist had only read about it.
Oct 11, 2022
Karlee Rose Naglieri was born with multiple heart defects and other health issues. Today, the 11-year-old is a competitive dancer who lives life to the fullest.
Oct 5, 2022
Childhood trauma may raise the risk of heart failure later in life regardless of a person's genetic risk, according to a new study.
Sep 26, 2022
One in 13 people who get myocarditis, a rare type of heart inflammation, carry genetic variants making them more vulnerable to the condition, new research shows.
Sep 14, 2022
Within two hours of breathing polluted air, teens in central Pennsylvania experienced irregular heartbeats, a new study found.
Sep 6, 2022
As students settle in for a new school year, educators and researchers are developing an array of tactics to raise awareness about the dangers of vaping – and to help teens change behaviors and beat addiction.
Aug 30, 2022
While a renewed diagnosis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy added drama to Kacie Nowakowski's pregnancy, mother and newborn are doing well.
Aug 25, 2022
A Delaware couple discovered their son had congenital heart defects after he was born. After surgery and back at home, the parents had another scare.
Aug 12, 2022
Chris O'Connell and his son, Cavan, each had two surgeries to repair congenital heart defects. After appearing on "American Ninja Warrior," Chris proved that "anything is possible."
Aug 9, 2022
Recent changes to school meals will affect millions of students. Here's what to know, and how you can help your child eat well.