What do heart patients need to know about COVID-19 now?
Aug 10, 2020
Much has been learned about heart disease and the coronavirus, but some of the most essential advice for heart patients remains the same.
Aug 10, 2020
Much has been learned about heart disease and the coronavirus, but some of the most essential advice for heart patients remains the same.
Jul 27, 2020
The flu vaccine might protect at-risk hospital patients from heart problems and more, a new study finds.
Jul 23, 2020
Like her mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, Kendel Christoff had a heart attack at a young age.
Jul 14, 2020
Kansas meteorologist Mark Larson kept up a healthy lifestyle, but he couldn't out-diet or out-exercise his genetics.
Jul 7, 2020
Roslyn Harvey wants women to know their heart attack symptoms can be different than men's.
Jul 2, 2020
A new study offers a possible explanation for the seasonal differences in heart attacks and other acute coronary syndromes.
Jun 11, 2020
Breanna Alosi felt a pain in her back and checked the symptoms online. In the end, she survived a rare problem called SCAD.
Jun 1, 2020
A new study shows how much cardiovascular risk goes up if you have high blood pressure in your 20s and 30s.
May 27, 2020
Stacey Bailey remembered the heart attack lessons of an Elizabeth Banks video just in time to save her life.
May 22, 2020
Using the right blood pressure device and following a few guidelines makes it simple to measure blood pressure at home.