Quizzes, Commitments and Flip Cards

Creating engaging components such as a quiz or flip card are excellent for engaging with your audience gather data, and even drive traffic to a page. 
Sitecore offers several options to deploy educational and fun quizzes, tailored "make a commitment" lead email marketing components, and fun flip cards to highlight a group of sponsors or a branded key acronym such as F.A.S.T.

Interactive content is a powerful way to engage your audience, enhance brand awareness, and drive results.

Quizzes and Snack Components

Gain Insights from Respondents: Quizzes allow us to collect key insights while increasing web traffic. 

Dynamic Components that Elevate Patient Education and Engagement 

The Heart Failure Symptom Checker is designed to increase patient education and user engagement.  The component is show with or/without images.

The third component, the Radio Quiz Snack, is an interactive feature that delivers essential content to users through short, snack-sized questions and responses.

These dynamic components provide accurate information based on the user’s input by allowing users to answer a sequence of questions. The flexibility to include or exclude images further tailors the experience.

I want help preventing another stroke or heart attack.
Taking aspirin as recommended by a doctor is one way to help prevent another attack or stroke. Don’t start, stop or modify an aspirin regimen without first talking to your doctor. Aspirin is not appropriate for everyone, so be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen.
I would like help finding pain medication that doesn’t affect my blood pressure.
Check your pain medications and speak with your doctor – acetaminophen won’t raise blood pressure like ibuprofen or naproxen sometimes can.
I want help staying on track with my blood pressure.
You have the power to lower your blood pressure. And when you do, you’ll have more time for all the people, places and things you love.

Make a Commitment Component

Collecting email addresses through quizzes can be an effective lead generation strategy.

Flip Card Component

Originally designed for sponsor recognition, this component is versatile and effective for short snippets of information, such as the FAST messaging.

Letter F
[F = FACE DROOPING] Does one side of the face droop, or is it numb? Ask the person to smile. Is the person's smile uneven?
letter A
[A = ARM WEAKNESS] Is one arm weak or numb? Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward?
letter S
[S = SPEECH] Is speech slurred? Is the person unable to speak or hard to understand? Ask the person to repeat a simple sentence, like "The sky is blue."
Letter t
[T = TIME TO CALL 911] If you have any of these symptoms or see someone else having them, call 911 immediately!

Sitecore is here to help you achieve your goals!

Our goal is to provide a seamless and personalized online experience for the needs of our diverse business audiences. We strive for optimal page layout, components that highlight content and engage website users, and custom experiences that lead the user to a carefully planned and executed digital experience. 

Disclaimer: The Brochure/Demo site content was written with the assistance of AHA's Copilot AI.