Feeling pain a year after a heart attack may predict mortality
Aug 16, 2023
Heart attack survivors who experience moderate to extreme pain a year later may face a higher risk of death within a decade, new research out of Sweden suggests.
Aug 16, 2023
Heart attack survivors who experience moderate to extreme pain a year later may face a higher risk of death within a decade, new research out of Sweden suggests.
Aug 8, 2023
Donnese Tyler had a rare type of heart attack. A fellow mom and nurse practitioner recognized the symptoms.
Jul 31, 2023
Hal Harbuck, aka Hal Jay, quit smoking after his heart attack 17 years ago. He developed irregular heart rhythms years later, and earlier this year, he received a new heart.
Jul 26, 2023
The risk of a deadly heart attack may increase when a heat wave combines with high levels of pollution, new research from China suggests.
Jul 5, 2023
For Ed Frauenheim of San Francisco, stress was likely the underlying cause of his heart attack. Working less, exercising more and challenging unhealthy expectations of men have helped him recover.
Jun 13, 2023
Taking a vacation after a heart attack or stroke can be stressful, but a little extra planning can make it less so, experts say.
Jun 2, 2023
After losing 92 pounds and reaching out for help after her heart attack, Jennifer Valentine finally started to relax.
May 23, 2023
Emotional and psychiatric problems often accompany a heart attack, cardiac arrest or heart surgery. Here's what caregivers and patients alike need to know.
Apr 26, 2023
Multiple misdiagnoses resulted in Denise Castille having a heart attack far away from home. Now she uses her experience to educate others about the risks and symptoms of heart disease.
Apr 18, 2023
Most people who experience a cardiac arrest outside of a hospital die. Justin Stroh survived, largely due to help from a passing stranger.