Video Pages 

Andrew Suggs- Black American Making History Every Day

Video Storytelling

Telling our brand story through video occurs when video pages and components guide our users through an experience.  Compelling videos engage and educate visitors. Research demonstrates people absorb information better through video.1

 Benefits to Video content

  • Enhanced Communication and Captivation:
    • Videos engage audiences by combining visuals, audio, and storytelling. 
    • User-friendly recording tools make video creation simple and effective.
  • Brand Awareness and Connection:
    • Videos create memorable experiences and build brand identity.
    • Connecting with viewers through video fosters a stronger bond.1
  • Visual and Auditory Learning:
    • People have different learning preferences. Some are visual learners, while others learn better through auditory channels.
    • Videos combine both visual and auditory elements, catering to a broader range of learning styles. 2





Sitecore offers a variety of ways to integrate videos, feature articles and podcasts into your content strategy.​

Streamline Concepts

Simplifying complex content on a website is essential for better user engagement and understanding.

Sitecore is here to help you achieve your goals!

Our goal is to provide a seamless and personalized online experience for the needs of our diverse business audiences. We strive for optimal page layout, components that highlight content and engage website users, and custom experiences that lead the user to a carefully planned and executed digital experience. 

Disclaimer: The Brochure/Demo site content was written with the assistance of AHA's Copilot AI.